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Xi’An Lib Environmental Simulation Industries Thr10 225 A Test Chamber

100% quality & reliability where it matters most; testing in-house for critical products

Jaltek has recently installed a Xi’an LIB Environmental Simulation Industries THR10-225A test chamber, allowing temperature and humidity testing in-house.

The machine, which has a capacity of 225 litres, tests; cold resistance, thermal cycle, ultra low temperatures, high temperatures, storage condition, and calibration function, to suit the many different types of harsh environments that critical products could be found.

Thomas Aird, Commercial Manager commented on Jaltek’s latest acquisition saying, 'With the introduction of this capability, Jaltek is now able to offer its customers a more complete full turnkey service. Temperature and Humidity testing can be a key element in establishing the reliability of products used in harsh environments and being able to do this within our facility will enable us to give our customers even greater peace of mind.’

He went on to say that ‘Purchasing this machine also demonstrates our commitment to supporting the requirements of customers whose products are destined for harsh environments where quality and reliability are vital.’

If you have a critical product that requires 100% reliability or would like more information, please get in touch with us directly on 01582 578170 or at info@jaltek.com.