Component shortage in the electronics manufacturing industry, Jaltek could have the answer
Component shortage in the electronics manufacturing industry, Jaltek could have the answer
We are witnessing critical electronic component shortages at a Global scale with the potential to significantly threaten production of electronic equipment.
The global electronic component shortage is the result of several factors, problems at production facilities, increased demand from emerging market sectors such as the automotive industry, the effects of COVID and increased customs and transportation costs as well as long delays due to clearance checks. The result is unprecedented lead times and soaring costs for those components that are available.
The effects of the shortages are wide ranging and few industries remain unaffected; increased demand in the automotive industry is causing significant supply and availability issues, and the Aerospace, Defence and Space industries are also experiencing difficulties.
Jaltek has over 35 years’ experience designing and manufacturing electronic products from prototyping and NPi through to Production and Box Build. As a result we have built strong links with key suppliers in the industry.
Component shortage is not a new phenomenon. If you’re struggling to find solutions to a long lead time part or an obsolete item Jaltek’s dedicated procurement team will use their established relationships with industry contacts to track down any hard to find components. Don’t panic buy from unapproved sources, instead let us work with key distributors on your behalf.
As well as our people Jaltek have also invested in material management and traceability software tools. We subscribe to a Bill of Materials (BOM) Management software programme which provides electronic component data & parts management software to the electronics industry. The software allows us to manage our customer’s BOM in one centralised location and has the most precise data on the market. Digital manufacturing tools also allow material management and traceability to the highest levels. These are integrated with enterprise supply-chain tools to help to safeguard against material shortages.
If it has still not been possible to source a component, Jaltek will help you find an alternative solution. Our experienced team of engineers have a breadth of skill and knowledge when it comes to procurement and adapting designs to suit market conditions. The solution could be anywhere from a direct ‘form, fit & functional equivalent’ to re-engineering a section of circuitry. Whatever the issue, if an answer exists, Jaltek will be able to find it for you.
Whatever the circumstances we work together with our customers to streamline your design and build so that it is as seamless as possible. If you would like us to help you with your product please contact us by email at or telephone on 01582 578170, for more information.