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Invitation to tender... looking to discuss the provision of an initial Nitrogen vacuum reflow oven

We are currently speaking with clients who are designing Electric Vehicle power products which specifically require a vacuum reflow process to achieve acceptable solder void ratios of less than 2%.

To meet our requirements, we are interested in discussing the provision of an initial Nitrogen vacuum reflow oven with the ability to replicate standard thermal profiles and equivalent of single lane with cycle times below 40 seconds.

The successful solution must deliver against the following specifications:

• Minimum of 8 top heating zones and 7 bottom heating zones and 3 cooling zones.

• Vacuum chamber capable of accepting PCB 500mm x 450mm.

• Top and bottom clearance minimum 29mm.

• Capable of solder void ratios of less than 2%.

• Be able to replicate standard thermal profiles and equivalent of single lane with cycle times below 40 seconds.

The oven is required to be delivered, installed and running for production use in Q4 2024 / Q1 2025.

Service support in UK / EU is required.

Please ensure proposals are in English and GDP quoting exchange rate used and standard delivery time to the UK. Responses should be received before 10am 17th June 2024 and be sent to tenders@jaltek.com.