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On Wednesday 4th December, Jaltek Design and Jaltek hosted an Innovation Day at Jaltek's factory in Luton.

'Next Generation Disruptive Technology', was an opportunity to articulate and discuss current and future challenges in the industry, hear inspirational talks from guest speakers, network over lunch with industry peers and experience a tour of our factory and facilities.

The day was chaired by Pim van Baarsen from the Silverstone Technology Cluster, and was filled with thoughtful and insightful conversation and debate, prompted by presentations from Will Drury CEO at PNDC, David Homfray CTO at Space Solar and Jonathan M. futurist at Innovate UK.

Will talked about the impact of Power Electronics in delivering Net Zero. He delved into the nuances of the technologies but also journeyed through some of these changes, how things could impact the Power Electronics sector/designs but also why end users care, or should care, due to the benefits these changes bring.

David went on to discuss; Can Space Based Solar Power deliver? He explored the plethora of continent scale challenges faced in bringing Space Based Solar Power to life, not limited to physical, cultural, functional or legal factors.

Finally Jonathan gave us all a glimpse of the future, opening our minds and provoking thought around a few longer-term future technology developments and the scenarios they could enable, considering both individual advances but also the potential for *perfect storms' where they arrive in confluence from different disciplines.

The event was well attended and a huge success, with lots of debate, innovative thoughts and insight... the outcome of all of which was; the future is collaboration!