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Jaltek employees trained to guarantee 100% reliability

Maria Turvey, Jaltek’s Production Manger has been very busy this year training and re-certifying our employees to the industry’s highest standards as per the IPC - Institute of Printed Circuits - who represent best practices for the industry and are the leading source for standards and training.

Maria, our fully certified in-house IPC trainer (IPC-A-610, J-STD-001, IPC 7711/7721 and J-STD-001ES), has almost 20 years experience in the electronics manufacturing industry, and with 15 of these spent at Jaltek, she is ideally placed to successfully guide her team through all the official exercises and tests. She has a 100 percent pass rate and has now trained 19 of Jaltek’s employees to IPC-A-610 as well as also re-certifying a number to IPC 7711/ 7721. Following the training all candidates are officially certified for 2 years.

IPC-A-610 concerns the acceptability of electronic assemblies whilst IPC -7711/ IPC-7721 relates to rework, modification and repair of electronic assemblies. Both reassure customers that their products are manufactured to the highest standard and will withstand the harshest of conditions. With Aerospace and Defence industries in particular this is the only way to be confident that your product will operate in the field as intended. By selecting a supplier that adheres to these standards you are guaranteed 100 percent accuracy and reliability where it matters most.

Maria, commenting on the training, said; ‘Training staff to IPC standards is a central part of our ongoing training program. The team were a bit nervous at first at the thought of being tested, but I have really been able to see how they have benefited from it, not only in the development of their skills but also in their own confidence and personal satisfaction. The program, which is highly relevant as it is used by our operators every day has given the whole team a real boost as well as raising quality awareness throughout our manufacturing process. Our customers can be confident that we are providing them with quality products to the industries highest standards.’