Jaltek Logo
The image features a logo for "Fully Charged Outside," supported by LV=, with a black background. The text "FULLY CHARGED OUTSIDE" is prominent in white, with "KINDLY SUPPORTED BY" and the LV= logo in green below.

Jaltek exhibits at Fully Charged Outside

Jaltek exhibits at Fully Charged Outside

We’re pleased to announce that we’ll be exhibiting at the Fully Charged OUTSIDE show 2021, and we’d love to see you there too! Come and find us on stand F16!

Fully Charged OUTSIDE is the world’s largest EV and renewable energy event, bringing together the latest products, services and industry experts for a day of discovery…and fun!

Being held on 3-5 September, this year’s venue is the impressive Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference Centre in Hampshire. With ample parking and excellent transport links, the Farnborough International’s extensive outdoor space will play host to:

  • A large exhibition, including product and service specialists from the world of renewable energy, electric vehicles and eco-technologies. Not to mention every electric vehicle available in the UK market today!
  • Two theatres that will play host to industry experts and celebrity speakers, such as Robert Llewellyn , and BBC’s Helen Czerski and Maddie Moate offering advice and guidance on a range of topical subjects.
  • Test tracks for electric cars, bikes, scooters and commercial vehicles, allowing you to trial your vehicle(s) of choice.
  • A kids’ zone, with loads to entertain younger visitors, such as hackie racers mini EVs, brickies Lego centre, and fun talks.
  • Plenty of fantastic food stalls, catering for a variety of tastes and dietary requirements.

Across the three show days, we will be sharing expert advice and demonstrating our latest products and services. From electric vehicles to renewable energy and power generation, Jaltek have been supporting these emerging markets for over 15 years. With a proven track record as specialists in low volume, high mix electronic solutions Jaltek has a wealth of experience designing and manufacturing for these industries from prototyping and NPI through to Production and Box Build. We have built strong links with key innovators in the industry and are excited to be part of such a pioneering market.

As an added incentive to drop by our stand we will also be hosting the Neuron Race - a two player reaction game! Feeling competitive, simply choose your opponent and get pressing those lit up buttons! Hit as many buttons as possible in the game time to accumulate a score and check the digital score board on the game at the end to see who was victorious.

To get a flavour for what Fully Charged OUTSIDE is all about, take a look at the Fully Charged channel on YouTube, hosted by Robert Llewellyn: https://www.youtube.com/user/fullychargedshow

To book your tickets please visit https://fullycharged.show/events/fully-charged-live-2021/ and follow the booking link.

We look forward to seeing you there!