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Jaltek has mobile inSite in to Manufacturing process

Jaltek's new Manufacturing Execution Software (MES) suite from Aegis software, which facilitates full traceability for every assembly that is produced, also allows us to track and trace products on the go. To accompany the MES suite Aegis Software developed inSite, the industry’s first manufacturing app for iPhones and iPads.

With inSite, these smart devices become mobile portals for Aegis’ Manufacturing Executions Software, putting manufacturing and traceability information literally into the hands of our engineers, supervisors and managers, as well as our customers, whenever and wherever they need it.

inSite brings simple, instant, and mobile access to quality, WIP, performance, and traceability. Forward and reverse traceability is immediately available to view and share direct from a mobile device via email. Active WIP, shipment information and process bottlenecks are also all instantly visible. Multi level access, allows you to drill down in to the detailed where needed bar. Even actual product CAD images can be displayed for easier visualisation on a mobile device.

Zane Wall, Jaltek’s Engineering Manager, commented ‘Aegis’ MES suite is still the only single system to span the entire production process and now with inSite, all this is now accessible, literally, right in the palm of our hand. It allows us to access data from anywhere and respond instantly to any problems that may arise.’

The inSite app is available to download free to Aegis customers through the Apple App Store.