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Restructuring for growth

Over the last 12 months Jaltek have undertaken a full strategic business review. As part of this we have looked at the best way to structure the business that will allow us to deliver on our objectives and growth plans, now and in the future, whilst continuing to ensure that first and foremost Jaltek remains customer centric.

This has led us to make a number of changes across the company. We have restructured the business units to give greater clarity and ownership between the teams whilst allowing the customer to remain the focus. We have also increased the number of dedicated Process Engineers on the factory floor to ensure faster and more efficient product flow.

Key members of the team have been promoted; Dave Riches moves to Business Unit Manager, Tom Aird moves to Commercial Manager and Simon Lee to Product Quality Manager. We have also welcomed a new member to our management team, Andreea Oproiu You can read more about our Management TeamĀ here.

We have already seen some great improvements as a result of these changes including the flow of information and proactive management of customer needs and this will only continue to improve moving forward.